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Sunday, March 15, 2015 @ 10:13 PM
New is always better
Hello there!

I have a new blog right here,

I already posted some awesome stuffs right there and I'm no longer writing here, so give it a go and follow me on wordpress :)

It's like the mature version of my writings there lol. New blog, new me. Because as Barney once said, new is always better.

Monday, December 30, 2013 @ 11:12 PM

After writing my English essay—which you can see on the previous post—I started to think about my dreams. I’ve always been a “go with the flow” type of person since, I don’t know, high school, I think. I never have a clear vision of what I wanna do in this life. But after writing the essay, I just realize that my dreams are way too much simple than what I thought I should be dreaming of.

People say, “Write down your dreams, so you can never forget.”

And here are my simplest dreams.

First of all, I wanna meet Jamie Oliver in England.

Jamie Oliver. Obviously because he’s an awesome cook. I love his tv shows, and I think his shows are the most interesting ones amongst any other cooking shows—especially Jamie’s 15 Minute Meals(love the tv commercial).

England, because I love English. I don’t know since when, but I think English is the coolest language I’ve ever interested in.

            Secondly, I wanna meet Gordon Ramsay.

Yes, he’s my 2nd favorite cook. My dream is to meet Gordon and Jamie, learn cooking from them, watch them cook, and finally taste their dishes. It would be like, the best day ever.

            My next simple dream is to watch grizzly bears catching salmon in North America. Watched it on National Geographic and I think it would be really cool if I can see it directly.

            Then, I would love to hug a panda bear in China. It’s true, I watched it on TLC. You can hug a huge panda bear, and see baby pandas after. How cute is that.
@ 10:08 PM
So I made an essay for English class. And here it is,

What I Will Be in 10 Years

            What will I be in ten years’ time? Well, I clearly have no idea but I have some dreams I’d like to achieve for the next ten years. My first dream is to graduate from Chemical Engineering ITS with pretty good score—at least it can make my mom smile. Then, I would love to continue my study abroad, either to Japan or UK. And while studying abroad, I’d like to travel and learn about the country, the people, and especially the food.

            I really love food and I love watching cooking shows. My favorite chefs are Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsay. And I have this delusional dream that one day I can meet them, learn to cook from them and taste their dishes. Because of my love for food, I think I will go study about culinary in Japan to master the Asian cuisine and learn the amazing European dishes in England—and hopefully meet Jamie Oliver somewhere accidentally.

 After studying, I want to work in a Gas & Oil company, maybe Chevron or Halliburton. Actually, working in one of those companies isn’t what I really want. I just want to know what makes many people—especially in chemical engineering—want to work there and I want to experience it too. Well, I know that the job salary is high and that’s my main reason too. My plan is to work and collect as much money as I can, while I’m building my own business.

I’ve always been interested in crafting. Once, I made scrapbook and some wall decor for my friend and I realize that I really enjoy making it. And some people whom I know from the internet really fascinate me with their work. They really inspire me and I hope I can build my own crafting business and sell my products overseas.

Beside all the dreams that are dreamt for my own sake, I have a quite humane dream. I would like to build a nature school for the street kids, and all the other kids who can’t afford their education expenses. I love kids and it touches my heart to see so many kids wandering down the streets, selling newspaper or collecting garbage and not going to school. I mean, come on, where are the governors? I can’t sit back and enjoy life like they do, so I think this is my own kind of contribution for this country, and I really hope that this dream will come true.
Sunday, July 28, 2013 @ 5:42 PM
Hi guys. So... national exam went pretty well. Gak deng. Nilai mtk&biologi gue jeblok -_- fortunately(and hopefully), it doesn't affect anything in the future.
Setelah UN, pengumuman yg paling ditunggu2 itu SNMPTN undangan, sambil belajar SBMPTN in case gak dapet undangan.
I think I hoped too much.. dan pas gak dapet, kecewa berat. I did try to convince myself that it's okay, tapi setelah melihat nyokap dengan kekecewaannya, ya..udah sih gitu aja yaa gimana dong? :( (?)
Tapii pas liat di twitter banyak temen2 gue yg dapet undangan, I'm really happy for them. Really.

The 3rd&4th most feared moments adalah pengumuman SBMPTN, dan minggu depannya pengumuman SIMAK. Dimana gue kembali menerima kata "Maaf, ..."
Down, gabisa bilang nyokap. Lebih tepatnya gak bisa liat wajah kecewa nyokap buat kedua kalinya. Tapi akhirnya setelah nerima banyak support dari pacar, temen2 dan pengertian orangtua, gue kembali mencoba.
Hampir semua tes gue ikutin.
Dan saat itu gue ikut trisakti yg jalur rapot. Kemaren2 temen gue bilang, ikut yg rapot aja. Asal gak perminyakan&kedokteran insyaAllah keterima.
Gue udah amat sangat optimis karena rapot gue bisa dibilang lumayan buat ukuran anak negri, tapi ternyata yg terlihat adalah tulisan "Tidak Diterima". Gak pake maaf, makasih bro. Loveyou.:) -_-

Itu sejujurnya down banget disitu. Gue mikir, "Even trisakti gamau nerima gue."
Tapi yaudah, gakpapa. Mungkin Allah emang gak mau gue kuliah disitu.

Setelah menerima 4 kata "tidak diterima", alhamdulillah tanggal 27 kemarin gue mendapat kata "Selamat! Diterima di: Teknik Kimia" di Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember. :) alhamdulillah yaAllah... gue langsung sujud syukur :")
Tapi agak sedih sih waktu reaksi nyokap cuma, "Alhamdulillah.. emang mbak seneng teknik kimia?Tapi jauh banget di surabaya." :(

Iya emang jauh banget...dan di sana gaada sodara, tapi banyak temen2 gue yg dapet di sana. Tapi emang jauh banget :( dan gue bakal LDR... karena Juli di ITB. :(
Takut homesick juga dan pulang ke rumahnya itu gabisa cuma tinggal ngesot..
But I think I'll take the risks..
Jujur aja gue pengen nyoba, gimana rasanya hidup tanpa orang2 yang selama ini selalu ada di samping gue, gimana rasanya keluar dari comfort zone.
Gue gatau apa gue bakal suka sama Teknik Kimia, atau ITS atau Surabaya.
But, you'll never know if you never try.
So... wish me luck for this new chapter of life. :)
Hope to see you soon, pals. I'm gonna miss all of you, especially you. Take care, there. :)

By the way I've learned some lessons I'd like to share with you,
First of all, rajin belajar. And never procrastinate! Do it if you can do it today.
Rajin belajar dan usaha keras never betray. Susah, iya. Banget. Tapi better daripada nyesel di akhir.

And the most important thing I just learned,
If you already worked&prayed hard, but you fail, just believe that God knows what is best for you. Believe that He always has bigger plans for you in the future.
Because what you want isn't always what you need, and God's knowledge is far beyond yours.

After several failures gue berpikir, Allah pasti sayang sama gue, Dia mau ngasih yang terbaik buat gue. Mungkin ITB, UI, Unpad, Trisakti, Unsoed&UNS bukan tempat yg bagus buat kehidupan gue nantinya, mungkin jurusan2 yg gue pilih itu bukan yg terbaik.
Passion gue masih ngambang, gak jelas. Allah pasti gamau gue kuliah asal-asalan, makanya Dia udah pilihan cuma 1, yg terbaik buat gue.
Sekarang waktunya gue buat gak nyia-nyiain itu&berusaha lebih keras lagi, because this is just the beginning.
Still a long and winding road to go.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013 @ 5:43 AM

Sudah lama sekali tak bersua... :$

Minggu depan UN coy!UN!JEDARR!

Gila, hari Senin kemaren gue terbangun dari tidur dan tiba2 di otak gue terbayang "H-7 UN!!!" kemudian gue panik selama beberapa detik. Abis itu gue berusaha menenangkan diri biar ga stres.

Sehubungan dengan adanya pelaksanaan UN minggu depan, kami selaku alumni SMPI Al-Azhar BSD mengadakan kunjungan ke sana untuk meminta doa dari guru2. Karena sesungguhnya, hanya kuasa Allah SWT dan doa-lah yg dapat membantu kami yg sudah pasrah menghadapi UN ini.

Sampai disana,tempat yg gua tuju pertama kali adalah stall(cielah stall) Soto Paru! Tapi sayang, udah abis. Nasib.
Kantin lama gak banyak berubah, hanya saja jadi ada Free WiFi-nya. Kemudian gue teringat sekolah gue yg WiFinya gak nyampe ke kelas gue, udah gitu mesti daftar2 APN dan ada passwordnya lagi. Miris.

Kemudian kita bersilaturahmi ke guru2 SMP dan SD. Yah meskipun gaada yg inget nama gue, tapi mereka akan selalu ada di hati gue :'3 terutama karena kalo diajar mereka, ngerti banget deh. Langsung masuk ke otak.

Setelah bertemu guru2, ternyata di lapangan udah rame sama temen2 lama gue. Gilaa kangen banget! Seakan-akan kembali ke SMP dulu :')
Semuanya udah pada gede2, kecuali gue yg pertumbuhan tingginya sudah terhenti ini.
Devita makin tinggi, tapi gak berubah. Rizka + Dewanti kalo udah digabungin itu udah kayak lagi nonton sitkom. Lalu ketika sedang bercengkrama bersama yg lain tiba2 Ello datang dengan baju seragam yg ngepas dan 2 kancing atas yg dibuka. Gila lu llo, udah kaya boyband aja. Kalo gue adalah seorang produser musik mungkin gue akan menarik dia sebagai member baru SMASH. Jelas sekali dia punya bakat.

Abis itu kita ke gedung SMA, tapi gurunya lagi rapat jadi gabisa ditemui, akhirnya kita bertemu teman2 yg lain.

Dan tiba2 dari tangga datang Bapak Faiz Al Hakam. Gila, gue paling inget ini guru. Guru Bahasa Arab, yg kalo dulu ngajar itu semangat banget.
Quote dia yg paling gua ingat adalah, "Thuo!!Thuo!!", mengajarkan kita cara melafalkan huruf Tha yg baik dan benar sambil memonyong2kan bibir dan memasukkan empat jarinya ke dalam mulut.
Meskipun begitu gue sangat berterimakasih, karena berkat beliau, gue lumayan paham lah cara baca Al-Qur'an yg baik dan benar.

Gak berapa lama kemudian Tiara dijemput, dan karena gue nebeng, gue pun harus angkat kaki dari sekolah lama tercinta itu.

Saturday, December 10, 2011 @ 1:38 AM
a little something new
I'm back,people!I'm back!! *hula dance* *back roll*
As you can see,I've deleted all the old posts...karena setelah baca ulang postingan yg taun 2009,gue geli sendiri HAHA :')

Gue sedikit mengutak-ngatik html dan alhasil menghasilkan design yg sedikit berbeda tapi lebih kece ini B)
No particular reason kenapa blog gue sekarang bertemakan The Beatles.I love them,I love their songs,but I'm not a big fan.I just ran out of idea and The Beatles are amazing and I just loveee the gif on the right corner of my blog haha

So now let's post something new!

*the end*