Across the

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Saturday, December 10, 2011 @ 1:38 AM
a little something new
I'm back,people!I'm back!! *hula dance* *back roll*
As you can see,I've deleted all the old posts...karena setelah baca ulang postingan yg taun 2009,gue geli sendiri HAHA :')

Gue sedikit mengutak-ngatik html dan alhasil menghasilkan design yg sedikit berbeda tapi lebih kece ini B)
No particular reason kenapa blog gue sekarang bertemakan The Beatles.I love them,I love their songs,but I'm not a big fan.I just ran out of idea and The Beatles are amazing and I just loveee the gif on the right corner of my blog haha

So now let's post something new!

*the end*