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Monday, December 30, 2013 @ 10:08 PM
So I made an essay for English class. And here it is,

What I Will Be in 10 Years

            What will I be in ten years’ time? Well, I clearly have no idea but I have some dreams I’d like to achieve for the next ten years. My first dream is to graduate from Chemical Engineering ITS with pretty good score—at least it can make my mom smile. Then, I would love to continue my study abroad, either to Japan or UK. And while studying abroad, I’d like to travel and learn about the country, the people, and especially the food.

            I really love food and I love watching cooking shows. My favorite chefs are Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsay. And I have this delusional dream that one day I can meet them, learn to cook from them and taste their dishes. Because of my love for food, I think I will go study about culinary in Japan to master the Asian cuisine and learn the amazing European dishes in England—and hopefully meet Jamie Oliver somewhere accidentally.

 After studying, I want to work in a Gas & Oil company, maybe Chevron or Halliburton. Actually, working in one of those companies isn’t what I really want. I just want to know what makes many people—especially in chemical engineering—want to work there and I want to experience it too. Well, I know that the job salary is high and that’s my main reason too. My plan is to work and collect as much money as I can, while I’m building my own business.

I’ve always been interested in crafting. Once, I made scrapbook and some wall decor for my friend and I realize that I really enjoy making it. And some people whom I know from the internet really fascinate me with their work. They really inspire me and I hope I can build my own crafting business and sell my products overseas.

Beside all the dreams that are dreamt for my own sake, I have a quite humane dream. I would like to build a nature school for the street kids, and all the other kids who can’t afford their education expenses. I love kids and it touches my heart to see so many kids wandering down the streets, selling newspaper or collecting garbage and not going to school. I mean, come on, where are the governors? I can’t sit back and enjoy life like they do, so I think this is my own kind of contribution for this country, and I really hope that this dream will come true.